Sunday, January 13, 2013

Nieces Rock

Yesterday, I went to Calgary with my sister-in-law and the nieces.  Our original intension was to check out a new organic farmer's market, but when the nieces decided to come along, it became a girls' day out.

We started off at the market... well, we started by driving past two Tim Horton's before we found one that had a reasonable lineup so we could get breakfast... then we went to the organic market.  It was good (I came away with a grass-fed beef roast that will be chopped up for THIS Mediterranean Beef Stew,  fresh honey and handmade gnocchi) and it was nice to go to a farmers' market that was mostly limited to things that farmers actually produce, rather than people selling crafts.   ... don't judge me for the gnocchi.

After the market, we swung over to the first of two malls that we ended up visiting.  The focus there was mostly clothes for the girls, and we had both successes and challenges.  It's pretty disturbing how overtly sexual some of the clothes are now for young girls, but luckily they both seem to understand that there's a big difference between attractive and sexy... both are still drawn more to classy styles.  The older niece, who is an avid golfer,  cleaned up on a few golfing outfits.  The younger niece, who is like me and loves all things sparkly, ended up cleaning up at a sale by bringing home about 7 new sparkly outfits...  oh, to be ten and wear sparkles every day.

In one store, I zeroed in on some bags right away.  The younger niece loved them too, and thought I'd picked it out for her.  I said HECK NO, that's for me; but agreed that there was no reason why we couldn't have matching bags.  So, I got one for carrying my stuff to zumba classes, and she got one for her overnight trips to visit her grandparents.

Cool bag, eh?  It doesn't show very well in the picture, but it's covered in clear sequins.
Regularly priced @ $37.  Cost $10.98 thankyouverymuch.

After that, the girls introduced me to my first bubble tea, and then it was time to head home.  All in all, it was a fantastic day.

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