Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From the Birds, Flip Me the Bird

I've got a few plants that I'm assuming the birds must have brought in - I certainly didn't plant them, but I'll let them stay as long as they behave.

Violas, which I know have a tendency to spread like stink.  They're on probation, because I like their cheerful faces.

Also, Columbine showed up last year and is blooming for the first time.  They're nothing spectacular from a distance (or even from the top) but if you look at the flower faces, they're kind of cool.

Also, please note that my hand appears larger in this photo than it actually is.

In other news, I discovered this morning that my freezer had gone from being an organized, fairly clean and frost free appliance to being a snow machine overnight.

What the heck caused it to do that, I don't know.  Whatever it is, I hope it can be fixed.  I'm not saying what you should or should not buy, but I'll tell you that I bought six appliances from Sears when I moved in here.  Five of them are Kenmores and one's a Bosch. Five of the six have had so many service calls I've lost count, and they still don't work right.  I'd replace them if I could afford to do so - I'll let you guess which five they are.


  1. Columbine is the State Flower of Colorado - I LOVE them!!

  2. Those are all very cute flower faces. Our Columbine looks totally different. Not knowing much about flowers, just love to look at them, I am sure there are different kinds of Columbine. Those Viola faces maybe kind of make up for the freezer malfunction?

  3. Hey you! Am I still allowed to call you RR? Cuz that's what you are to me now, even if you did change the name of your blog. My sister has columbine in her garden, and it looks different there too. Actually, the flowers on each of her plants come in a different colour and look a little different.

    Viola faces are pretty cute. Good thing too, because I think they're edible. I might have to shut down the whole fridge/freezer soon, so I'll have to take what I can get.

  4. I'm wondering if your freezer door wasn't closed all the way. I've had that happen and had the snow monster inside, too.

    I love all your little flowers! I have a few of the violas, too. I like them. They always seem happy.

  5. There's a wild columbine and a cultivated columbine..both are wonderful!

    I HATE photos of my hands..my average hands always look like ginormous red man-hands.
