Saturday, August 28, 2010

For the Zadge

The Zadge from Blue Skies and Yellow Dogs suggested that I try out yesterday's shots in black and white, so I did.  I would have posted them in the comments section of that blog entry, but I don't know how.

Also, I sometimes like sepia more than black and white, so I tried that too.  And I fiddled some too.



Black and White

Good call from the Zadge.  Black and white does have a way of exaggerating the details.

It also makes me think that maybe I should start fiddling with pictures before I post them.  Although, the truth is, I think I may be too intrinsically lazy to do that with any sort of regularity.


  1. I love the original shot, there is just something wonderful about the softness of the colors. I also really like the sepia. Winter is a beautiful kitteh subject so you can't go wrong. sooc, sepia, bw, all good. Ya think?! I fiddle with pictures a little and fiddling is fun but I don't know what it is but I like those sooc shots :) Just my opinion don't ya know. And I'm kinda lazy about tweaking them too. It is all I can do to get them onto the puter and into a blog post.

  2. The Zadge likes the B and W the best!

  3. Love the sepia but then I was born in that era.
