Friday, January 21, 2011

Shopping Angst

I went clothes shopping today.  I'm told that there will be much swelling and distention in my tummy after my surgery, and that I'll need clothes that are at least a size or two too big for a month or so.  I've already got two pairs of flannel pj bottoms that are too big, so I bought a pair of floral pj bottoms and a pair of stretchy jeans, both two sizes too big.  (I'm mostly focusing on the pj's, because I don't expect to be leaving the house for the first month that I'm home... and, nobody will care if I wear oversized pj's once this is all over.)   

I also had instructions to stock up on granny panties - again two sizes bigger than normal - but I failed on that mission.  Clothes shopping makes me cranky in general, but underwear shopping is even worse.  It was hard enough to buy pants that are significantly larger than I am, but oversized granny panties was quite simply more than I could bring myself to do.


  1. Clothes shopping gives me a cranky too. I have a gal pal that gives me the razz all the time about my undies. Calls em Spanky Pants. She wears those pretty, sexy undies from Victoria's. I'm just a granny pantie gal. But THEY are Jockey Elance and they ARE hipsters. Bit embarrassing when the undies show above the mid-rise jeans. When I was a kid I wore Carter's boy leg style-WHITE. Maybe you would feel better with some Elance Hipsters from Jockey, they are kinda what you need but still sort of alrighty, not tightie.

  2. There's always the commando option especially if you're not leaving the house and wearing pj's.

  3. Men's briefs!
    Soft, accommodating and fantastically comfortable.

  4. I'm with linlah on this one - i'd be staying in and pj pants all the time, panties be damned!

  5. All good suggestions. Truth be told, I was leaning towards Linlah and Maggie's suggestions, but no can do. This is way too much information, but apparently there's bleeding after the surgery. You'd think that one of the biggest bonuses of a hysterectomy is throwing away the feminine products, but apparently that doesn't happen right away. Something else I've been told to stock up on are pads and panty liners... and panty linters = panties.

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to go the online route... I'll look into Jockeys, but I'm a bit worried that the seams on the men's briefs would rub against the scar. (I'll definitely look into them for down the road, though!)

  6. Hang in there with the GP's - you can get some hot and sex-ay alternatives at some point, but I'm betting the GP's will be way more comfy
