Friday, June 24, 2011

What'cha doin, Winter?

(I posted this entry briefly last night, with the intention of delaying the publication until tonight.  
Sorry for any confusion that may have caused for those of you with eagle eyes.)

If you think about it, all Winter has to do all day is to sleep, harass the dogs or explore.
I guess it was only a matter of time before he set up a fortress in the dogs' toy box.

Then again, maybe he's assembling a new furry gang, and I've found the source of the tension between Tallulah and José.


  1. My eagle eyes were drooping last night or early morning, but I was beginning to think I was crazy. I knew I had seen this entry. I knew I had seen Winter and Jose. It was beginning to seem like some kind of weird dream!

  2. I think I see them throwing gang signs!

  3. Winter, you are causing such trouble...
    Poor Jose, caught in the middle of it all.

  4. Looks like Jose' is trying to escape so he doesn't get a beat down.
