Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I think....

That oil sands and drilling under water should be banned, period.  When the consequences of something going so wrong is so great, the end doesn't justify the means.  If fossil fuels weren't so readily available, we'd be putting our heads together to making more environmental choices like solar power and wind turbines achievable for the common man. Instead, we're destroying the environment so that the oil companies can make a quick buck.

That's all.  I try not to be too political here, but that needed to come out.


  1. I'm doing my happy dance now that the feed is updating...a much less serious matter than the leak though- darn you getting all political (I kid! ;-) )

  2. I vented a few blogs ago and am still sick & angry watching the consequences of greed, corporate and otherwise. May they all come back as birds or dolphins or turtles or whatever at the mercy of some human's greed in their next life.
