Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is why

I haven't been to Costco since before Christmas, when I went and came home with a car load of stuff that was well priced but almost entirely unnecessary. Avoiding temptation is more than half the battle is it not?

But then it occurred to me that I paid good money for my Costco membership, and that not going to the store was wasting that membership fee.

So I went. I was looking for bedding plants (for which I found some really great deals), but then I couldn't help myself and not do a tour of the whole store. I actually did fairly well, and only picked up things I would have bought elsewhere. I probably saved money on most of what I bought.

Except this.

One might say that this is a little obscene.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the metric system, that's a hair's breath away from being 8 pounds of popcorn kernels. For $7.

To clarify, yes, I still live alone.

Lesson learned. I'll not be going back anytime soon.


  1. I have to make a Costco run tomorrow. I'm going for 2 items. Want to make a wager on how many I come out with? And, yes, I too, live alone, but that popcorn really looks yummy.

  2. Don't get a cart! That's the golden rule. You're less likely to stock up if you have to carry it out of the store.

    Actually, I think the key is to work with a group of friends, buy this stuff in massive quantities, and then split the spoils.

  3. I'd buy that, over and over again.

  4. Oh Janice CH would love a big ol container of popcorn like that. It would stay fresh! And he loves his popcorn everynight. We don't have a Costco :( We do have a Sams though, I will have to check!
