Friday, July 9, 2010


I don't gamble.  I could be all uppity about it, and talk about the chances of winning vs how much money one could save if they invested their lottery money; but the truth is that I just don't win random draws and contests.

I'm also a very deep-down optimistic.  Any time that I have bought or been given a lottery ticket, I've imagined winning with such conviction that I am completely devastated when I don't win.

As a result, the only draws or lotteries that I enter are ones that are to benefit a charity that I would otherwise support.  That way, I can forget about the possibility of winning and consider it a donation.

All that's to say that there's a draw at work.  We can choose to have $5 deducted from each pay cheque, and  put into a 50/50 contest.  50% goes to the winner, 50% goes to the hospital foundation.  The foundation includes quite a large number of facilities and staff, so the winnings are significant.  Specifically, today's winner (somebody in my department) won over $10 000.

I'm happy for him, I really am.  I'm also green with envy.  And I've got to admit that I've spent a fair chunk of time today weighing the $130 that I'd be throwing away spending over the year vs the potential that I might actually win.

I could really do with an extra $10 000 right about now.


  1. I wonder if it would qualify as a charitable contribution at tax time (if you don't win that is and your chances are as good as, or better than, his). Just sayin' ...

  2. I thought of that too, but I can't claim it. If I donated the money outright, I could; but buying lottery or 50/50 tickets doesn't count. Too bad.

  3. is it too late to sign up for future drawings. I'd be all over that!!! I'm the same way with lottery tickets. I always imagine that I am for sure holding a winning ticket :D
