Monday, June 22, 2009

Good Day

Ever have one of those days when, for no particular reason, you're in a really good mood? That's one of those days for me. And then, it seems like because of my good mood; everything's going right.

  • Got through a day full of conference calls without
  1. Falling Asleep
  2. saying something to embarrass myself.
  • Played a really funny practical joke on a coworker.
  • Managed to get out of another task, which - while not technically my job - I always get stuck with and hate. AND, I managed to do so in a friendly manner that didn't tick anybody off or make me get mad.
  • Laughed a lot

After work, I went to the nursery nearest my house and had a ball. I've decided that I want to be a professional plant shopper when I grow up. Maybe even a professional landscape designer, as long as somebody else does the dirty work. It's a shame that I live in a climate that doesn't support year round gardening.

It was spitting when I went to the nursery, so the place was like a ghost town. There were two ladies that work there who didn't mind the rain, and who walked around to help me pick what I need. Not only were they really happy, cheerful people, they were full of good advice.

Two new trees (one pretty darn small, but cheap) and a a trunk load of perennials, I was done. The rain's coming down a lot harder now, but I'm still tempted to put them in the ground. I can't wait until a few years from now when they've grown in. My low-maintenance "I'm only putting plants in so that the cats don't crap there" garden promises to be beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. It will be beautiful, no doubt about it and with your renewed interest in your camera we will get some great views!
